Monday, August 16, 2010

Inspiring Gray Matter

Before I get to anything, is it gray or grey? Oh wow, the curly red underline below the 'grey' instantly tells me that its gray and not grey. Thank you, O curly red arrow. What would a blogger do without you?

Why this blog? Thank the guys at Indiblogger for this one. I attended the #indimum meet-up today and came out brimming with ideas about a blog which is not controlled by a niche, a blog where the curly red underline can sometimes be ignored, a blog where self moderation doesn't even have a clue about its whereabouts. A blog.

I was talking to a friend of mine, whose name shall remain undisclosed for now. So Anshika asks me the meaning of the word blog. Actually this followed a discussion in which I dissed people who write 'about' themselves, thus letting their ego have a virtual breathing space. I am not against such self-gratification, I just fail to see the bigger picture.

So here I was, thinking what exactly a blog meant. It all started with celebs posting weblog entries about their lives. Online journals which were readily consumed by salivating voyeurs - and nothing more. Then came blogger, and things changed. Everyone was a celeb now. This quo was maintained till the bubble burst and people were left basking in their own insignificance. A few who were willing and free enough to put effort became the so called pro-bloggers and early adopters and influencers. Whoa, influencers is not a word. Whatever.

So what was originally a self-exposure tool became a playtool for the niche marketers and the people who followed the original mantra were left searching for an identity. Irony never had a better example. During the course of this blog post, I have been proved wrong. I my own writing. Welcome to life as a blogger.

More updates on the conundrum coming up....


  1. That was inspired my friend! :) To more posts from you!

  2. thanks anoop... nice speech at #indimum btw


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